• Safe School Drinking Water Updates

    Districts across the state are working with State officials to address concerns related to lead levels in school drinking water. As a part of this initiative, the Smyrna School District has been collaborating with the Department of Education and Department of Public Health to conduct water testing to ensure the availability of safe drinking water in our schools. 

    It’s important to note the concerns are related to issues that may occur within a school’s plumbing system and not the water supply from municipal sources.  The water supplied by our municipal suppliers undergoes rigorous testing daily to ensure public safety. 

    On December 13, 2022, the Delaware Department of Education announced it contracted with a private firm, Batta Environmental Associates, to conduct additional lead testing.  This testing targets every water consumption point in every public school in the state. State testing began the week of December 19, 2022, and will continue for the next three to six months. Test results and any necessary mitigation efforts will be posted to this page as they become available.

    This page will be updated as information is available.